Friday Prayer

O believers! When the call to prayer is made on Friday, then proceed ˹diligently˺ to the remembrance of Allah and leave off ˹your˺ business. That is best for you, if only you knew.

Once the prayer is over, disperse throughout the land and seek the bounty of Allah. And remember Allah often so you may be successful.”

(Source: Surah al-Jumu'ah, 62:9-10)


11:45pm - Preliminary Sermon
12:15pm - Adhan and Sermon (Khutbah)
12:30pm - Iqamah

During Daylight Saving Time:

12:45pm - Preliminary Sermon
1:15pm - Adhan and Sermon (Khutbah)
1:30pm - Iqamah


United Islamic Center (Ulu Cami)
408 Knickerbocker Ave
Paterson, NJ 07503


Friday sermons (khutbahs) are given in Turkish.

A short English translation is given after the main sermon.
